Sunday, February 28, 2010

Devotional Feb. 28, 2010

Mark 6:31 And He said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
The disciples had been out on a mission. It is a wonderful thing that He chooses us to do missions for Him. When they were finished He was concerned for their health and welfare. If you are a boss follow the example of our Lord and make sure your employees have time for rest. This rest was a time of renewal and time with Jesus. It is important that we take time out with Jesus daily. Our rest may be found in Him.
If we do not rest then we will be to distracted to see the miracles that He does. When He and the disciples went to get away the multitudes ran ahead of them and met them. The disciples, I'm sure resented this intrusion. The miracle of the feeding of this multitude was missed in their aggravation over not receiving their rest. Jesus was not deterred however and got alone to pray. The disciples went on without Him. Consequently they ended up in a storm. Jesus saw them struggling, amen! and came to them walking on the water. When He got in the boat the storm stopped. What a miracle. This He did because they missed the previous miracle. If they had taken time alone and reflected after the feeding of the multitude then they wouldn't have faced the storm. Be sure to get your rest. Physical rest and spiritual rest. This is the Lord's day, a time for rest. Spend it in His house taking rest with Him and the family!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Numbers 16:48 And he stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed.
What a responsibility! Aaron with his censer stand between the living and the dead to stop the plague from spreading further. As modern day Christians we have a responsibility to stand with the Word of God between the dead and the living warning them and giving them the answer to everlasting life. We are in a spiritual battle that is coming to a close and there are so many to get in before its too late.
Remember this weekend to make up the hedge and stand in the gap on the final line between the dead and the living. You may be the only hope that some have of hearing the Gospel and have a chance at receiving it unto eternal life!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Mark 4:36-41 Are you in a storm of life right now? If you aren't just hang on it won't be long before you will be. There are two things that I noted in this passage; 1.) You are in the ship. 2.)He is in the ship. He's in the midst of the storm. He's in the valley we go through. Don't ever think you're alone. He is always there with you.
Remember, He can speak peace to the storm and calm it or He can give you peace in the midst of it. Give Him control. Trust Him in the midst of the storm. Let Him have His way. Don't be afraid have faith in Him!! When its over no matter what happens you will marvel at His wondrous grace and watchcare!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Devotion 2/19/10

Mark 1:35-37 And in the morning, rising up a great while before he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
And Simon and they that were with him followed after him.
And when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee.

I would like to encourage my friends in this regard: We need to live as he lived and lives. There has to be a time in each day that we get alone and fellowship with the Father. Jesus was away from home but was still connected with the Father. He got up before daylight and went to a solitary place. He gave the best part of his day. I know its a sacrifice to let go of some sleep but it is worth it to spend time with the Father. We would sacrifice sleep, and have, to spend time with a girlfriend or boyfriend and do it willingly without complaint. We need to sacrifice to spend time with our Father in Heaven, make time for Him!! It doesn't matter how many people or situations call for our attention we need time set aside to give Him our undivided attention.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Woo hoooo!! Got a web cam and we're up and running . February 3rd begins our first venture in the video Bible study. We will begin at 9am were you can join us live. This is a work in progress so please bear with me and my lack of talent and experience in producing this kind of thing. I hope we will get better at it as time goes. Pray for us!! We will be here every Wednesday morning, Lord willing. If you can't be here the studies will be archived. Thanks, talk it up. Invite your family and friends. Let's reach some people with a message of hope, the message of God's love!!! Again, Thank you!!! See you Wednesday mornings!! Check out the boring announcement video posted below!!LOL

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